Why is your dog’s routine wellness visit so important?

Routine wellness visits are a great way to help your dog live a healthy life for as long as possible. These visits can also help us catch potential health issues earlier and may help you avoid additional costs associated with treatments if the disease goes undetected.


What do we look at during a visit and why?

  • Blood: A complete blood count (CBC) can inform us if your dog’s immune system is fighting off an infection or if they are suffering from a blood disorder. A blood test is a simple way to find many diseases, including those spread by ticks and mosquitos, such as heartworm disease.

  • Urine: A urinalysis provides us a window into your pet’s overall kidney and bladder health. By testing the urine, we can determine if your dog is suffering from kidney disease, bladder crystals/stones, or a urinary tract infection…to name a few.

  • Feces: Fecal testing tells us if your dog has internal parasites such as roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms. These parasites can become a problem not only to your dog but to people too!

Physical Exams


Your dog will be thoroughly evaluated for changes in oral health, body condition, joint health, ear and eye health, and skin/coat quality. If any abnormality is observed, it can be a sign of illness and disease.

Diagnostic Screening Tests


Testing your dog’s blood, feces, and urine can help us to detect, manage and track their overall health, allowing us to have an advantage on early onset of illness and disease.

Review of Results


We can evaluate results and compare any change that occurs between tests. Any change can act as an early warning sign of health problems that your veterinarian can manage medically.

To help your dog enjoy a happy, healthy life, preventive care visits includes the following:

A blood chemistry profile that provides a deep insight into your dog’s organs including liver, kidney, gall bladder, and pancreatic function, as well as blood gases.

A blood profile that checks hemogram, differentials, platelets, platelet indices, as well as reticulocyte count and reticulocyte hemoglobin.

A thyroid function test detects whether or not your dog’s thyroid gland is functioning properly. Thyroid disease is very common in older dogs.

This analysis assesses the overall health of your dog’s urinary tract, including the kidneys and bladder. It identifies infection or inflammation in the urinary tract.

This screening identifies whether your dog has been exposed to heartworm or other important tick-borne diseases.

A direct microscopic examination of feces for intestinal parasites.


$ 81

Per Month
One-Time Enrollment Fee: $50.00

✔️3 Puppy Exams

✔️2 Complimentary Additional Exams- To be Used as Needed

✔️Complimentary Tech Exam

✔️Intestinal Parasite Fecal Exam

✔️Deworming Treatment

✔️Preventive Lab Panel – Includes: Chemistry, CBC, Heartworm/Tickborne Disease Testing, Urinalysis, and Intestinal Parasite Screening

✔️Core Vaccination Series as Recommended by Your Veterinarian – May Include: DHPP, Leptospirosis, Lyme, and Rabies

✔️2 Complimentary Nail Trims

✔️Additional Optional Services Include:

✔️Spay/Neuter Procedure – Includes: Anesthesia, Monitoring, Pre-Medications, IV Catheter and Fluids. **Additional Fees Apply for Pregnancy, In-Heat, Cryptorchid, Hernia Repair, Take Home Medications, and E-Collar** (Spay: $72.57/month; Neuter: $60.83/month)

✔️Bordetella Vaccination ($3.92/month)

✔️Canine Influenza Vaccination Series ($4.88/month each)

✔️Microchip and Registration ($4.32/month)

Yearly Plan Cost: $972.00

Total Retail Value: $1,209.13

You Save Over $237


$ 50

Per Month
One-Time Enrollment Fee: $50.00

✔️Annual Examination

✔️2 Complimentary Additional Exams- To be Used as Needed

✔️Complimentary Tech Exam

✔️Intestinal Parasite Fecal Exam

✔️Preventive Lab Panel- Includes: Chemistry, CBC, Heartworm/Tickborne Disease Testing, Urinalysis, and Intestinal Parasite Screening

✔️Annual Core Vaccinations as Recommended by Your Veterinarian- May Include: DHPP, Leptospirosis, Lyme, and Rabies

✔️Complimentary Nail Trim

✔️Additional Optional Services Include:

✔️Dental Prophylaxis – Includes: Anesthesia, Monitoring, Pre-Medications, IV Catheter and Fluids. **Additional Fees Apply for Extractions, Oral Surgery, Additional Anesthesia Time, and Take Home Medications** ($76.10/month)

✔️Spay/Neuter Procedure – Includes: Anesthesia, Monitoring, Pre-Medications, IV Catheter and Fluids. **Additional Fees Apply for Pregnancy, In-Heat, Cryptorchid, Hernia Repair, Take Home Medications, and E-Collar** (Spay: $72.57/month; Neuter: $60.83/month)

✔️Preventive Radiographs – 3 Views ($29.43/month)

✔️Bordetella Vaccination ($3.92/month)

✔️Canine Influenza Vaccination – Annual or Series ($4.88/month each)

✔️Additional Core Vaccinations – May be Required for Optimal Immunity (pricing varies by vaccine)

✔️Microchip and Registration ($4.32/month)

Yearly Plan Cost: $600.00

Total Retail Value: $769.48

You Save Over $169


$ 81

Per Month
One-Time Enrollment Fee: $50.00

✔️3 Puppy Exams

✔️2 Complimentary Additional Exams- To be Used as Needed

✔️Complimentary Tech Exam

✔️Intestinal Parasite Fecal Exam

✔️Deworming Treatment

✔️Preventive Lab Panel – Includes: Chemistry, CBC, Heartworm/Tickborne Disease Testing, Urinalysis, and Intestinal Parasite Screening

✔️Core Vaccination Series as Recommended by Your Veterinarian – May Include: DHPP, Leptospirosis, Lyme, and Rabies

✔️2 Complimentary Nail Trims

✔️Additional Optional Services Include:

✔️Spay/Neuter Procedure – Includes: Anesthesia, Monitoring, Pre-Medications, IV Catheter and Fluids. **Additional Fees Apply for Pregnancy, In-Heat, Cryptorchid, Hernia Repair, Take Home Medications, and E-Collar** (Spay: $72.57/month; Neuter: $60.83/month)

✔️Bordetella Vaccination ($3.92/month)

✔️Canine Influenza Vaccination Series ($4.88/month each)

✔️Microchip and Registration ($4.32/month)

Yearly Plan Cost: $972.00

Total Retail Value: $1,209.13

You Save Over $237


$ 50

Per Month
One-Time Enrollment Fee: $50.00

✔️Annual Examination

✔️2 Complimentary Additional Exams- To be Used as Needed

✔️Complimentary Tech Exam

✔️Intestinal Parasite Fecal Exam

✔️Preventive Lab Panel- Includes: Chemistry, CBC, Heartworm/Tickborne Disease Testing, Urinalysis, and Intestinal Parasite Screening

✔️Annual Core Vaccinations as Recommended by Your Veterinarian- May Include: DHPP, Leptospirosis, Lyme, and Rabies

✔️Complimentary Nail Trim

✔️Additional Optional Services Include:

✔️Dental Prophylaxis – Includes: Anesthesia, Monitoring, Pre-Medications, IV Catheter and Fluids. **Additional Fees Apply for Extractions, Oral Surgery, Additional Anesthesia Time, and Take Home Medications** ($76.10/month)

✔️Spay/Neuter Procedure – Includes: Anesthesia, Monitoring, Pre-Medications, IV Catheter and Fluids. **Additional Fees Apply for Pregnancy, In-Heat, Cryptorchid, Hernia Repair, Take Home Medications, and E-Collar** (Spay: $72.57/month; Neuter: $60.83/month)

✔️Preventive Radiographs – 3 Views ($29.43/month)

✔️Bordetella Vaccination ($3.92/month)

✔️Canine Influenza Vaccination – Annual or Series ($4.88/month each)

✔️Additional Core Vaccinations – May be Required for Optimal Immunity (pricing varies by vaccine)

✔️Microchip and Registration ($4.32/month)

Yearly Plan Cost: $600.00

Total Retail Value: $769.48

You Save Over $169